Christian's Artwork



For this I used  Indian ink and black and white temper paint

I just drew a bunch of random things that i like and colored them in with colored pencils

These are my favorite shoes, i drew them with pencil 

 This is a skate board wheel, i graphed out a printed out picture and drew it then painted it

I graphed out a picture of a raven then shaded it with a black pen

This is a wolf i drew free hand then painted in abstract colors

I drew one vulture then used tracing paper and glued it to the other end of the page, and painted over it with black and white acrylic paint. 

What Inspires Me,  nature, plants and animals, inspire me. Ever since i was little i watched a lot of animal shows and i was always outside catching lizards and bugs. A lot of people are afraid of snakes, but i think they are a beautiful and amazing animal, not a lot of animals can get around without their limbs, snakes don't attack you because they are mean or evil but because they're afraid of you and when you kill a snake it's because you are afraid of it. This snake is a green mamba i drew it in pencil, went over that in pen, and then water colors.

Aida project: Chunk of Styrofoam spray painted with special rock texture paint then hand painted hieroglyphics, it imulates the play in that Aida's and Rodamais' love threatens the Egyptian order of things just like Seth, the god of chaos, threatens all things orderly in Egypt.  

My emotion project, i couldn't think of what to do so i drew the best dragon i could and made him look angry, so my emotion is anger

Inspired by a place, The Mariana's Trench, deepest place on earth, we know about the moon than the bottom of the ocean, new species are discovered with almost  every expodition.

I was watching a show about Gladitors, wich are basicly slaves forced to fight for thier freedom, my favorite character was trying to kill his master so he could go free, the gaurds eventually over powered him and his master killed him and said now your free. 

It's a secretary bird, normally grey, i thought it'd look cool blue. 

A crab made from card board, toilet paper rolls, wire coat hangers, and 4 rolls turqoise duck tape 

 I was pouring out some extra ink and it looked pretty cool in the sink so i put a piece of paper on it.

It's a huge guitar made of card board, it is what it is. 

Inspired by a person, this is an orc version of my friend Wil Ribar.

A skeletal hand make entirely of tape.



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